Shop categories
fournitures de couture
Your search for high-quality and practical handicraft materials is over! Here you...
fil et laine
Fils à broder pour vos projets d'artistes
AUTRES Lederware
You have yarn, wool and needles together, but things are still not...
chambre de bébé
Nur das Beste für euer kleines Wunder! Beschenke dich und deinen kleinen...
Paniers au crochet
No matter what you want to store away - our huge selection...
Étagères en bois pour paniers
Give your self-crocheted baskets and bags even more structure and charm our...
Von der Stange kaufen kann Jeder! Bring ein weiteres Stück Einzigartigkeit in...
décor de cuisine
Who says practical and beautiful don't exist at the same time? Here...
salle de bains
Can it get a little more comfortable in your four walls? Then...
hats, scarves and headgear
Gray winter? Not with us! In our range you will find a...
Consignes numériques
Lending a hand is sometimes not that easy! Our instructions will help...
fournitures pour animaux
Cuddling, climbing and very important: cuddling! With our products, which are specially...